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Tsering is an enthusiastic and vibrant teenager. She is intelligent, consistent, and a brilliant student. She is artistic and has an aptitude for challenging tasks. Tsering has shown immense progress this year in all aspects.

To this day, Tsering remains very consistent in studies and extra-curricular activities. Tsering has a strong academic prowess. She performs very well in English, Science, Math, and Social Studies. She likes other languages like Hindi and Bhoti too. She is punctual with her classwork and homework. She is dedicated towards her assignments and assessments. She prefers to work to perfection.

She has excellent handwriting and is capable of creative writing too. She loves to work hard and see results. She is one of the first students to answer in class, take up challenges, and will work persistently till she achieves her end goal. She possesses a strong logical and analytical aptitude. She enjoys doing hands-on activities which were repeatedly observed during science experiments.

Her Amala (house mother) has reported that Tsering has improved drastically in behavior and emotional regulation. She is very organized. She helps in cleaning community spaces, her house, in the garden, and in other duties too. Her Amala mentioned that Tsering has learned to manage her anger very well, thinks before reacting, and is very particular with academics.

She dedicates her evenings after dinner for studies and spends some time reading or in art and craft before she sleeps.

This year, Tsering has enrolled herself as a core member of Project Earth (a community project that is working on striving to be a zero-waste community). It is a rewarding sight to watch Tsering with her infectious energy while working on this project. What is noteworthy is that she is the youngest core member of the project.

Tsering has improved in arts and crafts this year. She helped in making the paintings for the English classroom. She is also very good at material skills and figuring out engineering mechanisms that are currently being taught during Lakpar (experiential education classes). She made a fully functional sprinkler in one of these classes. Her Lakpar mentor mentioned that she is capable of understanding electronics, much faster than some older kids too.

For staff day, Tsering performed extremely well in two dance performances and her confidence was outstanding. She often performs dance and sings well too during class assemblies that happen every four to five months. Her music teacher mentioned that she has a good musical aptitude. She is learning both traditional and western music. She is currently learning the keyboard and the Dranyan (Tibetan Guitar) while also getting trained vocally.

Tsering has very strong leadership skills. She is capable of taking complete responsibility for classroom events. In the first assembly performance this year, she managed to train herself as the narrator for the entire week while participating in drama, music, and recitation. Sometimes Tsering is asked to slow down as her energy often confuses her classmates. She finishes her work before time which is also commendable.

Tsering is capable of working very hard. She is extremely active when intellectually stimulated. She has improved a lot with regard to teamwork, academic seriousness, and mood, and conflict resolution. She is a thinker and I strongly believe that her passion for being so active towards everything in life will take her a long way. As her teacher and mentor, I hope that Tsering achieves everything that she sets her mind to.

Child ID: 0903065