December 2021

Dear Friend,

Greetings from Jhamtse Gatsal Children's Community! I hope you are safe, healthy, and happy as we approach the holidays. Life at Jhamtse Gatsal slows down and turns reflective at this time of the year. We take stock of the year gone by and prepare to welcome the new year with hope, optimism, and joy.

In this newsletter, we are pleased to share Abhijit's map of the ongoing sustainability initiatives at Jhamtse Gatsal. Abhijit is a spirited young artist who feels excited to share his artwork with you. We hope you enjoy this topographical representation of what sustainability at Jhamtse Gatsal means to him.  

We also share Ruth Monstein's reflection on why she supports Jhamtse Gatsal. We connected with Ruth in early 2021. We are deeply touched by her keen efforts to bring the knowledge and experience of Jhamtse Gatsal to her teacher training program on trauma education. We hope you enjoy reading Ruth's story. 
We thank YOU for the unwavering support you have provided on this Jhamtse journey. Your ongoing generosity and kindness are a source of inspiration for all of us. Please be safe and well. We pray for your long life and hold you in our thoughts and prayers.

With gratitude and appreciation,

Vasudha Wanchoo
Managing Director
Jhamtse Gatsal Children's Community

Abhijit's Sustainability Map of

Jhamtse Gatsal Children's Community

by Abhijit S., Grade 8
Abhijit says: "Through my art piece, I wish to send a message that we need to be sustainable and save for future generations. We need to build a more sustainable world. I'm glad that in our community we are on the path to building such a world."
Read more about Abhijit's map

Why I Support Jhamtse Gatsal

By Ruth Monstein
Ruth Monstein is a teacher, mindfulness trainer, trauma pedagogy counselor living in Switzerland.
To learn more about Ruth visit: and

I remember it like it was yesterday: On a quiet Sunday morning in 2016, the film "Tashi and the Monk" was broadcast on Swiss TV during “Sternstunde Kultur”. 

At the time, I was completing my further training as a trauma education counselor. In the two years prior to this, I had studied in depth how we can accompany traumatized children in school classes so that they can find a way to grow into healthy and happy people despite the violent experiences that overshadow their lives. 

And then came the film! It struck me like a lightning bolt. The message hit me right in the heart. 

Read more of Ruth's story
In the spirit of gratitude, Ruth will be offering a free Christmas meditation on Zoom.
When: 21 December, at 7 - 8 pm (CET)
Click here for the Zoom link
Any donated contributions towards expenses will go in full to Jhamtse Gatsal.

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Jennifer DeGlopper