Covid-19 Update

Tough times call for tough measures and an opportunity to practice interdependence, love and compassion towards all sentient beings. Today, we are living through one such time as a global community. Gen Lobsang Phuntsok la, staff and children of Jhamtse Gatsal Children’s Community are holding our supporters, well wishers and all those around the world who may be going through difficult times in our thoughts and prayers as we struggle to adjust to the rapidly changing circumstances around us.

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Everyone at Jhamtse Gatsal is healthy and well. Most of our graduates studying across India are safely back home due to colleges and universities closures. They have been kept in complete isolation for the stipulated time period and are doing well also. We are following all health, hygiene, travel and visitor advisories from the state of Arunachal Pradesh and the Government of India as well as from our medical advisor, Dr. Frank James.

Dr. Frank James is on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic in Washington State, USA, and he finds time during his 18-hour days to consult with the Community as needed. We are deeply grateful to Dr. James and many like him for their efforts to save lives across the world. Our heartfelt prayers and request to all to please follow the necessary protocols within their regions to stay healthy and overcome these troubling times.

Jennifer DeGlopper