My experience as Captain
The students recently elected Kalden G. as Student Captain. He comes from a small village near Tawang. He came to Jhamtse Gatsal in 2022 from another school and is in grade 9. Kalden is a happy-go-lucky teenager with a ready smile and a helping hand for everyone. He has a love for learning and enjoys spending time with his peers and siblings at Jhamtse Gatsal in an active manner. He has a natural talent for leadership, as the unwavering support for his captaincy from the children at Jhamtse Gatsal shows. While he has been at Jhamtse Gatsal for over a year, he has built deep and meaningful relationships with the children, his peers, and the adults.
Principal Sudarsana Kumar Matahil , School Captains Kalden G. and Tashi L.
Kalden receives his leadership pin.
By Kalden G., School Captain
Every place needs a caretaker who looks after the place, and every school needs a captain. However, for a community, the significance of a captain is even more than a normal school. And in my case, it is definitely a lot.
Being the captain of Jhamtse Gatsal Children’s Community has been an outstanding exposure for me since the first day. Facing problems, solving them, and looking after the smooth functioning of the school are my primary duties, but caring for the well-being of the children at Jhamtse Gatsal is the biggest responsibility of all and sometimes the toughest one of all.
Even in my previous school, I was a prefect. However, in contrast with that school, my leadership skills have drastically increased this time. Maybe because of my experiences in my previous captaincy, which have encouraged me to improve. Though my captaincy and leadership haven’t been outstanding, I feel that I have learnt so much from this—leadership, not bossiness; responsibility, not laziness; humility, not arrogance; and the most important of all: being guided by love and compassion in all instances.
Besides my cabinet members, my biggest supporters are my peers. I feel fortunate to have relationships that always have my back in my times of need and people who seek my support in their times of need. I aspire to be a more capable captain, a more capable leader, who does not let others follow him; but walks abreast with his fellows and guides their path.
These are just some of my experiences in my early days as a captain, and they are certainly the most important ones. What drives me forward is the spirit and hope to become a better leader and fulfill my own potential because ‘with great power comes great responsibility’, and living up to that responsibility rests upon my shoulders at Jhamtse Gatsal.
Kalden helps a student with his meal
Kalden addresses the students on Independence Day