The Children Are Back!

Yes, they are! The Community is abuzz with action, and everyone is jubilant to have the children back. Classes have resumed in full since Monday and everyone is in high spirits. The joy on the adults' faces is evident in their radiant smiles. This is the longest the children have been away from Jhamtse Gatsal. Now that they are back, the adults happily discharge their purposeful activities of raising, feeding, and educating our enthusiastic change-makers and Jhamtse Ambassadors. All the teachers are happy to be in class again and engaging with the children in person. The Community is whole again as the quotes below from children and staff alike evince!

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Thoughts from the community

The children are at the heart of Jhamtse Gatsal. It seemed vacant and inane while the children were at home. 
Having them back in the community has been invigorating. 😊
The joy of teaching a child at Jhamtse is what I can learn from them, for they have so much to offer (sans the "lesson plans"). They make all the difference.
- Ophelia L. - Middle school English teacher

I feel glad to be back in the community. What I like most is that I got a chance to meet my friends again.
- Tashi L. - 8th grade

I feel happy and excited to be back in the community. I love to play with my friends and enjoy talking to them after a very long time.
There are many new children of my age and younger than me in the community. I am looking forward to being friends with them.

- Tenzin D. - 2nd grade


When we reached the community, we had to be in quarantine for fourteen days. As soon as we finished our quarantine,
I was happy to meet all the community members after a very long time. It was pleasant to see everyone safely back in the community.
- Lobsang D. - 12th grade

The last few months had been a long wait filled with trepidation and anticipation.
With the children back in the community, the space has become vibrant and come alive with new energy.
There is a lot of looking forward and once again be in the midst of children. To learn and unlearn, to revive and realign, to nurture and cherish.

- Padmini M. - Hindi and Math Teacher

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I feel happy to see all the children are safely back in the community. Now we can resume our normal community life and responsibilities.
I pray that we can continue this way without any further interruption.
- Amala Soomcho, Kitchen Staff

I didn’t know how much I missed the little things.
The ‘health and strength’ rhyme before meals or listening to the kids singing the national anthem during morning assembly
or just the simple joy of watching the kids play sports in the evening. The kids are back, along with the hugs and the whole essence of the community.

- Meena P. - Administration


I feel happy, but I feel a little nervous too. There is more responsibility now. I feel happy looking at the little kids.
I’m feeling nostalgic for the time when we had just 34 little ones in the community.
After a long time, we have a lot of small kids. I am reminded of the initial days of the community.

- Amala Tenzin

I am glad that all the kids are back in the community now and we can start our normal community life again.
- Amala Kesang Drema

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It feels good to be back. But now, it’s also a little scary because we have very little time for the exams. We have so many little ones now in the family house. I’m happy.
- Sonam L. - 12th grade

After so long of online classes, it feels great to finally have in-person classes and interact with the teachers and our classmates in real-time!
- Tsering L. - 11th grade

Jennifer DeGlopper