
Sonam is in need of sponsors!

Sonam is from a small village. She has high expectations of herself, and works hard in class and on her homework. She is a major reason her class has been so successful, as she is a natural leader.

Sonam is a force to be reckoned with. She has high expectations of herself, and works tremendously diligently in class and on homework, as well as being proactive to contribute to community responsibilities. She holds her peers to the same high standards, and her teacher suggests she is often the reason her grade accomplishes as much as they do.

A kind and firm leader, Sonam is regularly the one to encourage her classmates to focus, to gently draw in a less engaged participant, or to implore the group to work together as a whole, especially in middle school when collaborative projects would sometimes fracture into smaller gender-divided groups.

Outside of class, she enjoys and excels at dance and sports, lately exploring her talent for volleyball by proudly participating on the Jhamtse Gatsal girls’ team in the regional tournament. Sonam is engaged, curious, and warm, and consistently helps those around her be the best versions of themselves, too. She has expressed that she would like to be a teacher in the future. The Community fully supports her decision and believes that she would make an excellent teacher.

Child ID: 0605022