August 2021

Dear Friend,
Greetings from Jhamtse Gatsal Children’s Community! We are thinking of you. We send you our love and good wishes for health and happiness. Although the Community continues to be in lockdown, new and different learning opportunities emerge. This month enjoy reading about Sonam L. and her experiments with teaching English and Tibetan to the adults at the Community. She is one of the few children who had to return to the Community while many continue to stay in their villages per the local Government's mandate. 

The second feature in the newsletter highlights the story of one of our child sponsors, Caroline Maby, and how watching Tashi and the Monk reawakens her aspiration to support children at risk and her love for art therapy. 

We hope these stories bring you joy, and are a humble reminder of the impact that your support makes daily in the lives of the children at Jhamtse Gatsal. Together, you and we make Jhamtse Gatsal a thriving Garden of Love and Compassion! We hold you in our thoughts and prayers. We hope you stay well.

With gratitude and appreciation,

Vasudha Wanchoo
Managing Director
Jhamtse Gatsal Children's Community

Not Too Old to Learn and Not Too Young to Teach

By Sonam L.
Sonam (left) instructs Garden Manager, Ama Sonam

Have you ever experienced teaching someone older than you? If not, I assure you that you are about to experience a most curious circumstance.

It is my experience of being a teacher to the adults of Jhamtse Gatsal Children’s Community. I was asked to help with spoken English to Ama Sonam, a community elder who manages our organic farms, and two of our construction staff members, Achi (brother) Pasang and Lham Dorjee. Initially, I hesitated—not because I didn’t want to—but because I felt I wasn’t good enough to teach my elders.  

Read more of Sonam's teaching experience

Why I Support

Jhamtse Gatsal

By Caroline Maby
Caroline Maby (center) is a certified art therapist and an accredited member of the French syndicate of art therapists. Caroline has experience working with social and mental health issues and using art therapy to treat children. She is the founder of Elovution, aimed at supporting the most vulnerable people with art therapy, offering art therapy training to the professionals working with these people. Caroline is a sponsor of Tenzin L. 

During winter 2021, as in many Western countries, France was placed under another Covid lockdown and subjected to many restrictions. In my region of Brittany, the weather was cold, grey, and stormy. At the time of Losar (the Tibetan new year celebration in February), I was given the opportunity to watch ‘Tashi and the Monk’ (a documentary film about Jhamtse Gatsal Children’s Community in Arunachal Pradesh, India) for the very first time. From my comfy couch with my cat, I was looking forward to making a beautiful voyage on the edge of the Himalayas. It turned out far differently.
Read more of Caroline's story
Stories like Caroline's warm our hearts beyond words. They are genuine manifestations of our interconnectedness and interdependence. We love receiving and sharing stories like hers with our readers and community members. If inspired, please share your story with us by sending an email to

We hope you enjoyed the reflections by Sonam and Caroline that are shared in this newsletter. Even during the pandemic, growth among the children and staff of Jhamtse Gatsal and growth of Jhamtse (love and compassion) around the globe continues unabated. We greatly appreciate all that you do to make this possible. We thank you in advance for your ongoing support, generosity, and kindness.     
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Jennifer DeGlopper