August 2021

Dear Friend,

Greetings from Jhamtse Gatsal Children's Community! We hope you are doing well. We are grateful to report that all staff members are now fully vaccinated. The children, healthy in their villages, are looking forward to returning to Jhamtse Gatsal when circumstances allow. 

In this newsletter (our new shorter bi-monthly format), we are pleased to share young Sonam T.'s reflective poem about her pursuit of happiness. While she is just an 8th grader, Sonam's wisdom in her simple words is far beyond her years. We hope her poem touches your heart as it did ours.  

We also profile Tenzin, whom we welcomed to the Community in April. We are hoping to create a loving 'global village' of sponsors for young Tenzin. The kindness and generosity of sponsors enable sustainable growth at Jhamtse Gatsal. Our interdependence is the soil in which Jhamtse Gatsal—the Garden of Love and Compassion— thrives! We hope you stay healthy and happy. We continue to hold you in our thoughts and prayers. 

With gratitude and appreciation,

Vasudha Wanchoo
Managing Director
Jhamtse Gatsal Children's Community

In Search of Happiness

By Sonam T.
8th grader Sonam T.

As if a blank paper has found poetry in life; 

As if life has rained; 

For the first time on Earth,

The happiness I had been looking for, 

I found it in myself, my soul.

I got to know 

How special it is to be alive. 


You are my companion! 

You are my love!

You are my soul, 

Which cannot be separated from my body. 

Click to read Sonam's prologue to her poem

Tenzin Needs Sponsors!

Tenzin arrived at Jhamtse Gatsal in April of 2021.

Tenzin likes to play with toys and enjoys walks around the campus. He is a very sweet and adventurous boy. When he is outside the classroom, he likes walking around the community with his friends. He is in Kindergarten and lives in the Serchen Family. His best friend’s name is Sonam. Tenzin spends most of his time with Sonam, be it in the classroom or on the playground.

Click to sponsor Tenzin

Zoom with Vasudha and learn more about Jhamtse Gatsal and the children

I am thrilled to be in the U.S. for most of this year. I would love to virtually meet with you to share stories and news from Jhamtse Gatsal, unless you are in or around the Bay Area in California where I can also meet you in person.

Please send an email to if you are interested in meeting with me. Exciting developments in the Community have come to life thanks to your ongoing support. I would love to share these insights with you.  

- Vasudha (Vasu) Wanchoo, Managing Director, Jhamtse Gatsal Children's Community
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Jennifer DeGlopper