August 2022

Dear Friend,

Greetings from Jhamtse Gatsal Children's Community! We hope you and your loved ones are well. While August tends to be a school break in most parts of the world, it is a beautiful time of life finding its rhythm and pace at Jhamtse Gatsal with the school session well underway. 

Today's story comes to you from our littlest ones at Jhamtse Gatsal. There is so much we can learn from them. As one of my all-time favorite book titles by Robert Fulghum goes: All I Really Need to Know, I Learned in Kindergarten. This is that kind of a story :)  

YOU are making transformative learning possible for our changemakers of tomorrow. We hope you enjoy the story and the photos below. To echo Anita, our Kindergarten teacher's thoughts, I feel together we are doing a pretty good job! Thank you for your support and for being on this journey with us. 

With love and gratitude,

Vasudha Wanchoo
Managing Director
Jhamtse Gatsal Children's Community

Free Play For
Bonding in Kindergarten

by Anita K., PreK and Kindergarten Teacher
This year, five new children joined my class. On their first day of school, they were shy and quiet. Some of my older children tried to help make the younger children comfortable. Seeing them uncomfortable, I decided not to do anything academic that day. Instead, I kept the entire day unstructured, so they could explore the classroom, do whatever they felt like doing, and connect with each other and me. 
Click to read more

Pasang Needs Sponsors!

Pasang is seven years old. He likes to play sports and with toys; he sings songs and loves listening to music. He is a cheerful and calm child. He is timid and does not talk much. He loves eating momos (dumplings) and roti (flatbread). When he has free time, he loves to play with clay and is beginning to learn football.

Click to sponsor Pasang

Featured Video

Lobsang Phuntsok on Grief and Compassion
From Laddership Pod March 2022. Talk by Lobsang Phuntsok, Founder & Director, Jhamtse Gatsal Children's Community
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Jennifer DeGlopper